A delicious bakery in Okazaki さちパン工房です。
Please enjoy the texture of the rich bread finished with the hot water method!




さちパン工房から大切なお客様にお知らせいたします 2025年3月29日土曜日の営業をもってさちパン工房を閉店させていただきます あと少しですが精一杯頑張ります ぜひ閉店までよろしくお願いいたしますLanguageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。


We are currently in the middle of Golden Week

2024April 30 -

さちパン工房2024年5月の予定表です ゴールデンウイークが長いです ご了承くださいLanguageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。


8Open from the Moon


I'm sorry I can't update it easily. I took a break in August. We will start business from Wednesday, August 24. It's still hot, but please eat bread.🥰16時からオープンしますLanguageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。

6Month Calendar

2022June 22, 2008


3The schedule for May has changed a little.

2022March 19 -



March Calendar




2022I have a calendar for February 2010.


2022Calendar for February year. Events may be canceled due to the Corona disaster. Thank you for your understanding. Sachi bread workshop will do it✌️LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.


2022Calendar of January 2010


2022I've created a calendar for January 2010.!It is long though every holiday. But I work every day.🤭I don't think I'm going to have time to take a rest next year with kitchen cars, cleaning, manufacturing pans for businesses😱I'll use my time to do my best.✌️We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Excuse me🙏He's a free man.😌LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.


12The monthly holiday has changed.


12The schedule for May has changed. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Do you all know??"Yaiki mokoro" who is open in kitchen cars! It is a kitchen car that sells mainly sweet potatoes such as baked potatoes. Baked potato croquette burger will be sold for a limited time, and you can use the bread of Sasaki Bread Studio!For this reason, we will take a break from the Schipan Kobo and make a bun. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding. It's amazing how Sichipan Kobo's bread can be eaten in Tokyo, Chiba, and Saitama.!I can't help feeling.!I'm really happy that you liked Koro-san. Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.


12It's a calendar for the month.


12You now have a calendar for the month. 23.24.25th is a slightly different Schipan workshop!✌️How about it for Christmas or the end of the year??bread is for sale.!Thank you very much.!LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.